A question about wireless compatibility with SuSE. I intend to connect my laptop to a DSL/Cable router with a wireless connection. The laptop has SuSE 8.0 installed, though I do have a copy of 8.1 sitting here waiting to be used. Using the built-in NIC I can connect the laptop to the internet, however, I want to use wireless for the laptop. A Google search shows that 8.1 is supposed to have lots of extra ability regarding wireless (OK), but also shows a lot of people saying they can not get various brand name PCMCIA cards to work. The SuSE database has information regarding a wireless setup, but does not give brand names known to work. Locally D-Link and Linksys is readily available. From the internet, almost anything is available. Considering that a wireless access point cost as much or more than a new DSL/Cable wireless 4-port router, I will probably buy a new router to match the PCMCIA wireless card. What brands are know to work with SuSE? Working with SuSE is priority number 1, security is priority number 2. Thanks for any recommendations. -- Ralph Sanford - If your government does not trust you, rsanford@telusplanet.net - should you trust your government? DH/DSS Key - 0x7A1BEA01