Chris Keenan wrote:
I've installed Wine, and can launch Agent after a fashion, but it has some funnies: trying to select options in the tab fields will remove all text and selection boxes, until I select another tab, then go back to the original one, when everything reappears! I've also not managed to connect to my ISP yet via this method, but it's early days and I'm prepared to spend time learning Linux. BTW, Wine seems only to work if the apps are on the Win partition. Is there no way I can use them on a Linux-only HD?
I don't want to sound like a WABI salesman, but you can run Agent under WABI on an ext2 partiton. WABI is cheap too, for what functionality you get. :-) - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e