7 Jan
7 Jan
07.01.2017 07:02, Carlos E. R. пишет:
When I try restart syslog, I get this prompt instead.
Telcontar:~ # systemctl restart rsyslog.service Please enter passphrase for disk ST2000DM001-1CH1 (cr_other) on /data/other! Telcontar:~ #
Telcontar:~ # grep cr_other /etc/crypttab cr_other /dev/disk/by-uuid/334b5f7a-cd23-4d0a-8899-a517e5c371a5 none noauto Telcontar:~ #
Telcontar:~ # grep cr_other /etc/fstab /dev/mapper/cr_other /data/other xfs noauto,nofail,relatime 1 5 Telcontar:~ #
There is no reason whatsoever to try to mount that partition unasked.
DATE_START=$(date +'%F %T') /bin/kill -RTMIN+22 1 systemctl restart rsyslog.service /bin/kill -RTMIN+23 1 and show journactl -S "$DATE_START"