On Wednesday 09 June 2004 12:27 pm, John Coldrick wrote:
Yes, I would agree - things simply aren't that mature in Linux for music professionals - certainly when you start comparing against programs like SX and it's competition. However, having watched, first hand, the visual FX market on Linux moving from a hacker's curiosity to one of the primary OS's in the business, anything's possible down the line. I would mention, though, that VFX requires a steady stream of experienced technical support staff to keep things moving, indeed I think this is what pushed Linux to the forefront, but music nowadays seems to be increasingly becoming about one person behind a midi controller. There may not be the incentive for people to leave their Macs and PCs to do music.
I'd be first in line if it were to happen, though. :)
Check at www.linuxjournal.com and do a search on music. Lots of articles about what is available for Linux, some comparisons between Linux programs and between Linux/Windows/Mac too IIRC. Written by professional musicians, sound engineers and hobbyists. Might find something there... Stan