Message-Id: <> Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:44:22 -0700 From: Irwan Hadi <> Subject: Re: [SLE] Suse and Lilo At 05:07 PM 12/30/00 +0100, EagleIce wrote:
Well, not error actually but the LILO was not installed at all, because at the time I set it up, yast said (If I'm not wrong) "your / is on position bigger than 1024 cylinders, and LILO won't work" Oh yes, I've seen that once too, that's why I never use YaST to install
On Saturday 30 December 2000 16:40, Irwan Hadi wrote: lilo...:-) So, can you do it manually or do you need some help on that? In that case give us some details on how your partitions are divided on the harddisk OK.
Well, actually I'm a system administrator for about 300 users, and I know how to install the LILO, but I just simply has question, that is how come SuSE get behind in this part , LILO, while many distributions other than SuSE even already support it, for example Mandrake with Grub, or Slackware, Redhat with newest LILO. Thanks,