I'm a Linux fan. SuSE, specifically. I have it on three machines here at home -- a laptop (on which I'm typing this), a workstation, and our domain controller. That said, it amazes me that fellow Linux enthusiasts often miss an important issue when they complain about the predominance of Windows.
PEOPLE WANT IT. Not everybody's just like us.
Well, now I've to step in and take part in this conversation.. People are USED TO Microsoft Windows, I often hear people swearing cause their PC is causing them troubles(I don't say they wouldn't swear with Linux too ;) ), but I know many people who use Windows cause it's already on it - so 'why bothering me with something else?' 'my laptop is running - why would I want to change everything?'. I also hear people often complain about the microsoft sh** (not my words..), they've weird theories about microsoft spying them etc. (guess that's the stuff they read on heise and gulli, etc. ) - however they're to scared to take the step into another direction, like Linux or Mac (which btw. isn't everyones favourite system either, but it sells too :) ). So I think if people would have the choice, they could get used to the (for the most of us) so important freedome of choice. They can choose yes I want to spend additional 100 bucks on Windows or not. (and I think the MS tax is a great + factor for us - wouldn't you like to save 100 dollar for the same system?) Greetings Michael