9 Aug
9 Aug
On Tue August 9 2005 4:37 pm, Ken Schneider wrote:
They already do using YOU do install the 3D invidia driver. Never have had any problems with it ever after kernel updates. last kernel upgrade I had to boot into SUSE 9.2 for awhile, until I fffigured out how to revert back to my last known good setup. when I did the kernel upgrade before, it failed to recognize my monitor/card setup and left me sitting at a command line prompt. **I** can deal with that, but my wife can't. If she had done the upgrade herself ( like a windoze patch) she would have been totally lost and totally pissed at me.
-- Paul Cartwright Registered Linux user # 367800 X-Request-PGP: http://home.comcast.net/~p.cartwright/wsb/key.asc