Hello community ! Andreas Mantke wrote:
for the SuSE-developer-versions there are Delta-ISO on the mirrors. I get them for the OpenSuSE 10.0 and felt, that this will be a good way for another CD-Project because it saves traffic. I hope You could point me to a howto. I need a documentation with more examples than the delta manpage.
From my point of view it is a straight forward process. "makedeltaiso" is used to create a delta from two iso's (let's call these "source" and "target"; of course these should be of the same trace, e.g. CD1 of beta3 and beta4). "applydeltaiso" is used to cretae an iso (let's call it "target") from its "source" and an appropriate delta-iso (e.g. bulding beta4.iso from beta3.iso and beta3-beta4.delta.iso). To create a delta iso you simply need both iso's you want to build a delta iso from. If you are looking for a way to build a delta iso without having the second iso I fear there is no way for ... -- Never give up ! Best regards, Reinhard.