On 09/14/2011 07:46 AM, George OLson wrote:
On 09/14/2011 12:06 PM, Duaine Hechler wrote:
When I first started in Linux and found out about RAID, I setup RAID 1.
THEN, unfortunately, the way I play with my system, I found RAID to be very detrimental because I accidentally messed up where I could not boot.
THAT meant my partner drive was also messed up.
So I took of RAID and every night I manually run "rsync" to keep the two drives in sync.
Another question - can you give me an example of what your rsync lines look like? If I were to go the same route as you (which I haven't fully decided yet), what options would I use to rsync my root directory over to the backup drive? I am thinking that rsync -avr --delete / backupdrive(meaning the proper thing here)
is probably just too simple and will probably miss some things, but I do not fully understand why. I have read through the manual, and continue to study it to understand all the options, but some examples would help.
Thanks George I come from the old school mainframe days so the attach scripts are using REXX (regina).
Between the single quotes are the rsync commands Duaine -- Duaine Hechler Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ Tuning, Servicing& Rebuilding Reed Organ Society Member Florissant, MO 63034 (314) 838-5587 dahechler@att.net www.hechlerpianoandorgan.com -- Home& Business user of Linux - 11 years