On 8/28/24 5:33 PM, bent fender wrote:
But this isn't really an answer to your response for which I thank you; I'm studying what I must to get on top of this freakin' mess and that'll take a little more time and revolve around chrooting into TW from Slackware and maybe getting usb-wifi to work to then run yast to establish noveau in charge and redo all the boot stuff :-)
Don't worry, It gets easier. It just like eating a whale, you have to take it one bite at a time. It may as well have written in Greek the first time I tried to get it figured out. Thankfully, I'm comfortable with C and reading build failures, but that didn't make figuring out the kernel changes any easier. Those smarter than I do most of that work, I just have to be smart enough to follow their lead and help where I can. This really should be seamless from the user standpoint. It is just somewhat exacerbated this time due to the length of time the old drivers have just sat in the official repository after TW was updated to the 6.10 kernel. It's just the old friction between propriety drivers -- which do make the AMD/Nvidia GPU work as intended -- and the open-source nature of Linux. Both have to cooperate to make a seamless user experience. Neither have clean hands there... -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.