Hi: I dread ever trying to find anything on the Suse/Novell website. It seems so complicated. I simply want to be able to download packages of current software such as Mozilla 1.7.5 and OpenOffice 1.1.4 These are typically not updated in YOU, as YOU seems only to do bugfixes, and usually only serious ones. Just keeping up with the current versions of software such as these packages is generally not possible with Suse unless you get the next version, or install vanilla software from their originators which may break integration with the desktop by bypassing Suse's customizations. Upon some digging, I discovered through this list that there are Mozilla and Firefox RPMs compiled for Suse 9.1. However, these are not made very obvious by any links such as: "Click here for Suse developer contributed updates to important software packages not updated by YOU..." After which one could parse out to different versions, etc., with a warning that you may break your system by updating beyond the originally installed versions (ie, non-YOU updates). If for some odd reason you decide to imagine that you are seeking support rather than an updated package (that isn't available from YOU), you might type in "mozilla" here: http://portal.suse.com/PM/page/search.pm In which case you might find this page: http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2002/09/mozilla.html But noticing it "applies to 8.0" you might just as quickly disregard it. If you persist to the ftp link provided, you will get the packages. But they come in with horrible bandwidth. A typical mirror doesn't have these packages, because they aren't officially part of Suse Linux. There doesn't seem to be an update for OpenOffice. Hopefully it will work the same if I update from the OO.org vanilla packages. Basically the only way to update things is to wander aimlessly among the ftp site, hoping to find things. You would think you found the holy grail for instance here: ftp://suse.mirrors.tds.net/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/README.txt But while this has some stuff, it doesn't have this: ftp://suse.mirrors.tds.net/pub/projects/ The Novell site is a maze. Good day! -- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA crcarle@sandia.gov