15 Jun
15 Jun
On 2022-06-12 23:30, bent fender wrote:
Over 30 years of computing and it's in Leap-15.3 that for a first time I see something done the right way: with a guitar fx-board output plugged into my soundcard's 1/4" Line-In jack I can actually HEAR it*even before logging-in* (pulse is used). Interestingly enough this feature is not there in bleeding-edge Tumbleweed :-)))
The difference is pulseaudio vs pipewire. I can not say that I can guide you how to set it up for TW and pipewire because low latency (with jack) pipewire is what I'm aiming for and it's just not there yet. Pipewire gives me more grief than satisfaction when I jump around between pulseaudio and jack. -- /bengan