Roy Leembruggen wrote:
Thanks Carlos E.R for those interesting hints.
Did you mean I should enter "resume=/dev/sda6" in /etc/grub.conf ? I entered it there and then ran /sbin/SuSEconfig but did not find any refernce to "resume" in /var/log/boot.msg or /var/log/messages
Am rather edgy about altering configuration files outside Yast. In older versions one had to always run /sbin/SuSEconfig - is there any other way of involving Yast in this case ?
Roy, You have to enter it in /boot/grub/menu.lst at the end of the 'kernel" line. What i often do is to replace the 'showopts' option to the front of this line (after /vmlinuz). Then the options after 'showopts' will be visible when booting. And of course you can do it with YaST -> System -> Bootloader options Peter Vollebregt