Shawn Holland wrote:
Ok I got some good news and some bad news :)
I took the exact same xorg.conf and just changed it to load to svidio, I installed the FX5200, upgraded the driver to the newest and x started in svidio no problem. Nice and centered.
So I know now its not a problem with the xorg.conf. I'm thinking it has to do with either the driver or the video card itself :(
Whats bad is that the FX5200 svideo out looks the same as the MX4000's svideo. It looks like its picking up a local tv chanel that you can get with just any tv (no cable hooked up) through radio signal's.. or how ever they transmit it.
But my GF2Ti's svideo looks nice and clean (just in black and white)
Black and Withe? "Stupid Question(TM)": What is the norm of your TV? NTSC? PAL-N? PAL-Something? That's configured on your
So now I have a choice. Try to continue working on the GF2Ti when there may not be a way to get it working (or one that I may never figure out) with a possibility of a clean image. Or try and figure out how to clean the image up on the FX5200?
Any thoughts?
You still have the fedex idea? :)