Running SuSE 8.0 Pro....what are the average temps for an AMD XP 1600? If you care to read my problems, I've detailed them below.... I have an ECS K7S5A mobo and recently swapped out an AMD 1Ghz for another AMD XP 1600+. Before the swap I updated my bios to the latest version k7s5a020429lan. I reset all bios options to default (the default bios options limit the CPU and DDR RAM to 100Mhz clock speed) and booted into SuSE 8.0...I used it for several days and everything worked fine. As such my new AMD processor was clocking at 1050Mhz (as noted from boot screen) I changed this to CPU&DRAM=133Mhz to correctly reflect the new boot it recognized it as AMD XP 1600+. However, I soon ran into all sorts of troubles. I experienced very odd problems I did not have before. Konq crashed all the time (it actually rebooted my PC all by itself at one point) and the X server would not restart properly (among others). Eventually it would not boot-up at all. The longer is ran the worse things I assume it's a temperature problem. The CPU temp as measured in the bios reached 68C/158F after about 1/2 hour. The case temp is around 90F. My CPU fan speed is around 5500rpm and I'm using the OEM heatsink. Apparently it's too hot? Anyone else with this hardware combo experience similar problems? This CPU worked fine in another box running Win2k (with the same heatsink AFAIK). Could I have a voltage problem? Thanks for your help...