Some time ago, might be half a year all was OK. Some update in Leap 15.6 or the change to Leap 15.6 could have introduced the problem. I have a web page with a file index.html in which references are pointing to files, all in the same folder as index.html; a picture and a number of video files (.mp4). Css buttons either show the video or start a download. There is some css in index.html defining buttons with white characters and colored backgrounds. Also some text is indicated as white characters and colored backgrounds; different colors. When I use http:// to access this page, on a different apache server on a Tumbleweed server, all is displayed normal and the button used to play the video works as expected. I can position the location in the video from where to play the video. However using https:// to access the page the background of the characters is not colored and when I play one of the videos I am unable to select a position in the video to play from. It skips to the last position in the video. Some other videos give errors and do not play at all. The error shows something like: "No video with supported layout and MIME type found". In Firefox I used Page Source to download the content of the page, index.html. In both cases and apart from the obvious differences in the URLs pointing to the files they are the same. I should mention that I also used Microsoft Edge to access these pages and the same difference/problem is present. I am puzzled. Why is the rendering of the same content different and why is the reaction on playing the videos different. -- member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf