17 Aug
17 Aug
himbA wrote:
I started Yast update yesteday and it installed new k_athlon over the older (2.4.20-4GB-athlon) kernel from update site. After reboot uname -a shows:
Linux himba 2.4.20-4GB-athlon #1 Wed Aug 6 18:27:52 UTC 2003 i686 unknown ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unknown GNU/Linux
The important piece of information here is the kernel build date.
I do a search for 'k_athlon' in Yast I can see that 2.4.20-100 is installed, but 2.4.20-38 is still being used! also # rpm -q k_athlon k_athlon-2.4.20-100
Do rpm -qi k_athlon and check the build date against the uname -a output. Unless you have not rebuilt your kernel then I bet you do indeed have the latest kernel. Regards, Martti Laaksonen