5 Jul
5 Jul
Am 05.07.23 um 12:39 schrieb Simon Becherer:
Am 05.07.23 um 12:08 schrieb Peter McD:
Am 24.06.23 um 20:31 schrieb Peter McD:
I'm about installing a fresh Leap 15.5. For Leap 15.4 and Tumbleweed my processor needed disabling zenstate c6, and someone provided a python script which did just that. Is this still relevant for a "fresh" installation of Leap 15.5 /Tumbleweed?
Have had the idle problem when my desktop sytems where new, tumbleweed amd ryzen 1700.
kernel commandline work for me: pcie_aspm=off
With my processor disabling c6 via zenstates.py was sufficient, so I will try kernel parameter "processor.max_cstate=5" first Thank you Peter