I also have a 233 MMX laptop and get the same error. Does anyone know what this means or if it is a real threat? matt mathowel@nmsu.edu (If the HTML encoding appears, sorry, haven't got ppp to work in Linux yet and am using outlook express and have tried turning it off in the setup) -----Original Message----- From: Zulfiqar Naushad <zulfiqar@shaw.wave.ca> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Date: Saturday, January 02, 1999 10:30 AM Subject: [SuSE Linux] Pentium F0 0F bug!!!
Nosing around in my /proc directory.........I noticed that the
file says that I have the F0 0F bug. How in the heck is that possible when my computer is about 11 months old. I have a P-233 MMX.
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