El 02.10.08 a las 08:14, Togan Muftuoglu escribió:
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 08:14:19 +0300 From: Togan Muftuoglu <toganm@dinamizm.com> To: suse-linux-e@suse.com Subject: Re: [SLE] Lyx and docbook
I edit is to read "photosnap.png" and then the html contains a reference to "photosnap.gif" instead. That's weird...
by default db2html uses *filename_you_work.dsl* and if it cn not find it, then switches to /usr/share/sgml:docbook/docbook-toys/suse-both.dsl you may need to adjust it to your needs. (this one is used by html and print)
¡YES! ¡It works! 8-) There was a line that said "(define %graphic-default-extension% "gif")" (or "eps" for print) and I changed it to "(define %graphic-default-extension% "png")". Now both pdf and html have the images. Well... I'll have to decide whether to make that change global or only local. And then find where the TOC should be, so that it doesn't complain.
Note that ftp.gwdg.de/pub/suse/people/ke has some updated packages for docbook those may help toget better results
I'll have a look; I don't know if they will work with suse 7.3, or perhaps I should wait till I update to 8.1, perhaps next month.
They should as I have been using them since 7.2 and 8.0 and there are some bug fixes both with the dssl stylesheets and the docbook-toys
Ah, then I'll definitely shall have a look. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson