Hi All, I need to use the Nortel (Apani) vpn client to connect to the development network at my work site. The last version of Suse that Apani supports is Suse 9.3 (Kernel 2.6.11-xxx). So I have a need to create a Suse Linux 9.3 install with a fairly recent software load to test a Ajax / Java / Flash nightmare at work. So after much reading I discovered that apt is being replaced by "yum" or "smart" (and "yast" for Suse 10.x) -- at least as far as using those services to install a more recent KDE with. Unfortunately I cannot seem to discover which repositories will meet my needs. I'm looking for guidance on which repository (ies?) to use to answer the following needs as expressing in question format: 1) Can I use the KDE "Backports" with the "KDE:" repository? If not, does "KDE:" contain koffice (esp. rekall, knoda, kxmleditor) already? I'm asking because there is no kdeoffice, rekall or similar packages in the "KDE:" directory tree for Suse 9.3 but these packages are in the "Backports" repositories? This is probably my core question as I can simply mirror the correct repository and use apt-server to merge the recent KDE back into the familiar apt architecture if the below questions do not have positive answers ;> 2) Which Repository contains the base system and security updates? 3) Where can I find the most recent version of OpenOffice (2.0.3)? 4) Where can I find the most recent version of the various Mozilla software (Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Venkman, Dom inspector)? 5) Where can I find Samba3? 6) Where can I find the suser-guru repository? I appreciate any help you all can provide! Sam Stern Grand Island, New York, USA