On Monday 11 December 2000 21:55, Robert wrote:
Subject: Parallel port ZIP Disk usage in SuSE7.0
Hi all,
It appears that I don't have to recompile the kernel for this to work, It
appears all appropriate files are in place. I just have to get the proper sequence of things running to get it to work.
Any help would be appreciated Thanks Bob
modprobe ppa modprobe lp
-- Scientific theories, according to Sir Karl Popper, can be "falsified," or
Message-Id: <200012130359.WAA22310@demai05.mw.mediaone.net> Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 22:51:36 -0500 From: Robert <rwarner@mediaone.net> Subject: Re: [SLE] Parallel port ZIP Disk usage in SuSE7.0 Never mind. Used iomega utility. iw -m /dev/sda /mnt/ZipDisk/ Thanks Bob <p>At 06:32 AM 12/12/00 -0600, Jerry Kreps wrote: proven wrong, by experiment.
Unscientific theories -Marxist dialectical history and Freudian psychology were Popper's favorites- are formed in such a way that they cannot be falsified by data.