Quoting Adilson Oliveira Cruz <adilsonoliveiracruz@gmail.com>:
Hi Jeffrey! I have a PC with Suse linux 9.0 whith a SCSI DDS-2 tape drive (4 Gb) that will be my backup server. I have another machine (that is my nis, nfs, dhcp, etc... server) that will be my Amanda client and want to do a full backup once a month and a incremental backup every week of the /home directory (20 Gb, so I will use 5 tapes on every dump) of this server. I have a fell questions: 1- How can I choice on that week day tha backup will happen? 2- How I can say when the full backup will happen and when the incremental backup will happen?
The short answer is that you can't, least not like you think of full and incremental backups. Amanda rotates full and incrementals. If you have, say 3 sets of tapes, and dumpcycle is two sets, on any given backup half the backups on the set are full and half incremental. The next backup, the other half are full. To get something approximating what you want, have two different configurations, say Weekly and Monthly. The tapes are divided (and labeled) for the two configurations. The configurations are almost the same, just the label and dumpcycles differ. The disklist file can be the same file (hardlink) for both. I use cron jobs to run my every other day backups in the middle of the night. A cron job also runs the day before with amcheck to make sure the right tape is in the drive. My semi-monthly backups are done by hand from the command line and the tapes stored off-site. I will look at you configuration file when I get home (Saturday) and can compare it to my own. Jeffrey