16 Sep
16 Sep
houghi wrote:
With previous versions it was possible to pre-order. Now that is not the case or am I looking in the wrong direction?
Also there used to be a Pro and an Update version. Will that still be the same, or is there only one version?
I can pre-order it already here in the Netherlands http://shop.mensys.nl/cgi-bin/db2www/mns_art2.d2w/report?catname=SuSELinux&username=&i1=&o=&x=14:17:11&Search=SUSE&C=400 I've ordered from these guys in the past... I can't remeber if you're in BE or in the NL.. so dont' know if this link is any good to you. Also, the Computercollectief have it http://www.comcol.nl/detail/sicxlc03.htm#56160 I ordered from them for 9.3, and they delivered it the day 9.3 was released. C.