Mark Hounschell wrote:
I want to dedicate a run-level to a single task such that when I boot, at the lilo prompt, I enter that runlevel number, lets say "4", and the machine will not ask for a login but only run this app. When I exit the app it will reboot. I cannot have a login prompt, just this non-graphical app running. I see that Suse has filrewall stuff setup for level-4. I can get rid of that I know. My major problem seems to be the login prompt. How do I get rid of it for only the run-level I want to use for this app? And if I find a way to do it how can I still interactivly interact with the app???
I may be misunderstanding what you want, but you probably can put your commands in boot.local. It will run the apps before the first boot prompt occurs. I've never tried it, but you may be able to even run X programs, by a shell script in boot.local. Like startx my app shutdown -r