Art Fore wrote:
Have been trying for 5 days now to get PostgreSSQL working with ODBC and OOo. Found some documents on site and tried several of their configs, had one work one time, then quit. If anyone has SuSE 8.1 connected to PostgreSQL databaase via ODBC, could you please send me you odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files so I can compare to mine?
Thanks Art
My config files in /etc ---------------------------odbc.ini-------------------------------- [PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL template1 Driver = PostgreSQL Trace = No TraceFile = /tmp/odbc.log Database = template1 Servername = localhost UserName = Password = Port = 5432 Protocol = 6.4 ReadOnly = Yes RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ShowOidColumn = No FakeOidIndex = No ConnSettings = [Agenda] Description = PostgreSQL Agenda Driver = PostgreSQL Trace = No TraceFile = /tmp/odbc.log Database = agenda Servername = localhost UserName = superuser Password = superuser Port = 5432 Protocol = 6.4 ReadOnly = Yes RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ShowOidColumn = No FakeOidIndex = No ConnSettings = ---------------------------odbc.ini-------------------------------- -------------------------odbcinst.ini------------------------------ [PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL ODBC driver for Linux and Windows Driver = /usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ FileUsage = 1 CPTimeout = CPReuse = Debug = 0 CommLog = 1 -------------------------odbcinst.ini------------------------------ My config files in my home dir ---------------------------.odbc.ini--------------------------------- [ODBC Data Sources] PostGreSQL = Read/Write Database Default = Postgres Stripped [PostGreSQL] ReadOnly = 0 Servername = Username = xxxxxxxx Password = "xxxxxxxx" Port = 5432 Database = template1 Driver = /usr/lib/ [Default] Servername = localhost Database = tgl Driver = /usr/lib/ [ODBC] InstallDir = /home/bulte300/office52/user/database ---------------------------.odbc.ini--------------------------------- Running SuSE Linux 7.2 This worked with OpenOffice 641.... -- -- Thanks in advance, Stefan -------------------------------------------------------------- Linux a world without borders, fences, windows and gates..... Titanic98 "Which computer do you want to sink today????"