check /etc/postfix/, masquerade_domains should be set to the domain which you want to reply to. Lisa Richard Bos wrote:
I have suse-9.2 system being used to educate people about email. We use kmail for this and they can only send email to the people on the suse machine. The machine has the name (let's say) mickei.
No when I set the reply-to address in kmail to 'roes@mickei' this is altered by the post system to 'roes@domain.test' (where domain.test is an example, but it illustrates the fqdn of the machine).
In the kmail's outbox the message header looks as: From: Nobody <roes@mickei> Reply-To: roes@mickei To: test@mickei
That looks good to me. So I think it is actually postfix that alters the reply address from roes@mickei to roes@domain.test.
Does anyone know a setting that tells postfix to leave the reply-to field alone, so in my case the reply-to remains set to roes@mickei?
-- TIA
Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless