17 Feb
17 Feb
Thu, 17 Feb 2005, by g.lams@itcilo.org:
Using "awk '$1~/Message-ID/ || $1~/Subject/ || $1~/From/ || $1~/Newsgroups/ ' 4060bb67.txt > txt1.awk". I'm able to take the first fields and using "awk ' /<body>/,/<\/body>/ ' 4060bb67.txt > text2.awk" the text in html but when I try one unique command it just doesn't work.
What does that mean: "one unique command", and please define "doesn't work" Theo -- Theo v. Werkhoven Registered Linux user# 99872 http://counter.li.org ICBM 52 13 26N , 4 29 47E. + ICQ: 277217131 SUSE 9.2 + Jabber: muadib@jabber.xs4all.nl Kernel 2.6.8 + MSN: twe-msn@ferrets4me.xs4all.nl See headers for PGP/GPG info. +