Problem box- Standard install...not too much funky but all suse stuff. 9.0 - all patches Dell Precision 420 2XPIII's 867(?) 512 ram Onboard SCSI (On APC battery backup) This is the third time I can't log in as admin on this box. I figured the first time I forgot the password, the second time I made it simple (it's a internal file server for a few people) but this third time I wrote it down! During the installs, it asks me if I want to encrypt the passwords, I hit yes. Is that a mistake? I don't remember exactly what type of encryption it asks to use. I'm getting tired of doing reinstalls. I'm running 9.0 on this box. Has anyone else had this issue? Luckily the shares are on another drive...I don¹t even share the boot drive. Even sitting right in front of the box, my password doesn't work. (and yes, I checked caps lock) ;\ It isn't anyone messing with it. I'm basically the only one messing with it. The box runs fine...stock Dell...but it has to be corruption... *Would changing keyboards and mice all the time affect it? I don¹t keep them connect until I need to...most of the time it's up and running...and I may not use the same ones. Anything before I reinstall the OS??? TIA -- Thanks, George CLI challenged "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -Abraham Lincoln