Hi, On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 09:19:22 -0600 Sunny <.> wrote:
resolution mode so you can continue your work. Once in sax2, setup your monitor with the right parameters. Then: #init 5 this will start kdm, or whatever login manager you have - rock&roll.
Now, as you have created profiles, every time you boot, you will have a choice in the grub initial menu to select which profile to boot - so you can choose the right one for your home or work monitor.
Yeah, scpm is a good tool to achieve that, but even if you configure the various profiles through YaST, it _doesn't_ make any changes to menu.lst of your grub! At least on my 9.1 it really didn't do it, had to make them manually. scpm of SUSE 10.0 I checked just quickly: liked kscpm, which I don't have on 9.1, but no more comments on it. By the way. Interestingly on this oldie 9.1 all of the features of scpm are very- well usable, except the grub controlled switching to profiles, which I could never get work via PROFILE=xxx kernel parameters. (Because always the last active scheme is called, independently, which menu-point you choice during boot.) Strange enough, maybe I should simply open another thread. I'm just afraid, that 9.1 is not so interesting for the masses anymore... Regards, Pelibali