On 11/24/24 3:38 AM, Stephan Hemeier via openSUSE Users wrote:
he patch was also mentioned by him in the link of the issue posted by you: https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/issues/708
I have used his patches to build the driver here on my PC because of the lag of the Nvidia Repo.
I also use the patches from Joan Bruguera for the broadcom drivers to build them for Tumbleweed and kernel:stable.
I've saved the link, it was solid work. Originally, I had worked from the failure log, which resulted in the 1st attempt at the patch -- which built, but didn't automatically register the nvidia card from /sys/class/drm and I had to use nvidia-xconfig to have it load the driver on start. The open-source driver conditioned everything on: #if defined(NV_DRM_OUTPUT_POLL_CHANGED_PRESENT) But the older closed source drivers need the additional patching Joan came up with. Very nicely done. Patches ended up being applied the same, just about 100 lines different as you worked down the nvidia-drm-drv.c source. Glad to have this done for 6.12. Now good until 6.13 on Arch, and hopefully the G04/G05 patches keep up when openSUSE TW moves to 6.12. Thanks again for the link. I updated the Arch/AUR package with it: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-390xx-utils -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.