Hi ! I have from some time a problem that stop me to quit for good from windows. My card (a INNO Tornado GForce 3 TI 200) have a TV-out and I want to see my movies on TV. So, after a search on the web I have been found nv-tvout, but the maximum resolution that it is admitted it is 800x600, and my desktop is at 1024x768. So going in a full screen mode is a pain, because I have to move the mplayer video windows all the time with the mouse. After another search I have been read that it is possible to run two Xservers on my computer, one for the monitor, and another for my TV. So, how to do that, and what do I need to change in my XFree Config file to fork with my tv. Also I suppose that I need two different Xfree config files . How to run my TV xfree server (if that it is possible) with the specific configuration ? In the hope that I will receive some help, tanks !