Hi, everyone. Sending this distress call for my wife. We have just rebuilt her pooter. Trying to do an install (SuSE 9.3) on a virgin 250 GB IDE hard drive. Also, new Gigabyte MB, new Athlon 64 3200+ processor, new EVGA video card. We're using her old memory -- 1GB of DDR226 PC2100 memory (2 X 512). Upon starting up the pooter the screen to install SuSE comes up. We use the keyboard to select "Install." So far so good. It starts up and we click "accept" on the Novell licensing agreement. But after that we can't do any entry using the keyboard. We've tried 4 keyboards; none work. We cannot tab or do anything with any keyboard. So we can't configure anything where you need to keystroke (e.g., entering a password, or setting up the hard drive). Note: initially we could not get a PS2 mouse to work. Pooter would not recognize it. Then we tried a USB mouse and that was recognized. So we have a mouse at least. But we do not have a USB keyboard to try. It is so strange that initially the keyboard did work right at the start where you tell the pooter you want to do an install. But for some reason the pooter is losing the keyboard after it starts the install process. Any ideas on how we can get a keyboard recognized so that we can install SuSe? Many thanks. Gil and Judith