30 Mar
30 Mar
On Tuedsay, March 29, 2005 @ 5:27 PM, Brad Bourn wrote:
On Tuesday 29 March 2005 06:15 pm, Greg Wallace wrote:
Is this an external device? I have a desktop with one internal drive bay. What I need has to be USB external.
No it is not. it is internal IDE. I mis-understood you situation. Sorry.
Thanks anyway. I'm looking at a couple of devices that both sound like they'll do the trick. A Wiebetech TDK-0-IDE and a Coolgear USBG-DKUS1. They both sound like they do about the same thing except the Wiebetech is about three times as expensive. I'm trying to figure out if there is any significant difference between the two or if the Coolgear model is just a much, much better deal than the other. Thanks, Greg W.