Hi all, I've a lot of text files like the one you can see at the end of my mail (starting with Message-ID). I need to import parts of those messages into mysql: Message-ID, Subject, From, Newsgroups, and the text which is in html. I want to first create the text files containing only the information I want to import and then import them in mysql Using "awk '$1~/Message-ID/ || $1~/Subject/ || $1~/From/ || $1~/Newsgroups/ ' 4060bb67.txt > txt1.awk". I'm able to take the first fields and using "awk ' /<body>/,/<\/body>/ ' 4060bb67.txt > text2.awk" the text in html but when I try one unique command it just doesn't work. Any idea? Is there perhaps a more elegant way of doing the same thing? Thanks Gaël Message-ID: <417ee59f@mail-ha1> Subject: From: renu [renu@solicomm.net] X-Authenticated-User: renu Xref: mail-ha1 Practice:76 Seminar: Main Path: mail-ha1!not-for-mail Action: NNTP-Posting-Host: mail.fntc.ac.fj Date: 27 Oct 2004 02:02:39 +0200 Followup-To: Lines: 10 X-Trace: mail-ha1 1098835359 (27 Oct 2004 02:02:39 +0200) State: 0 Content-Type: text/html Newsgroups: Practice <html> <head> </head> <body> <p> </p> </body> </html>