I'm running my own little war agains M$ by installing SuSE servers wherever I can, and I do it with little or no money at all, more like hobby (I do have nice payed full-time job!). I also engourage customers to buy the original package to get the manuals, and usually they do so. This to support SuSE also! I have been successful doing so for several places, so I have kicked out quite many NTs and 2000 lately.. Customers have been happy with Linux-solution, and more installations are coming all the time, so M$ is loosing ground all the time. Word is spreading... I believe, that showing the strength of Linux this way will start a snow-ball phenomena, that is impossible to stop by M$. Training the IT staff for Linux is quite simple. And leaving a "backdoor" open with SSH I can remotely manage their installations, and get a nice money compared to the work... Usually things takes few minutes, and they are more than happy to give some 10-20USD for that.. nice hour-pay! I would succest that other people start doing this too, just to get more Linuxes out there! Jaakko Tamminen Finland Viestissä Keskiviikko 3. Lokakuuta 2001 10:32, James McBoyle kirjoitti:
Of course, this would be a lot less fun than simply dumping thousands of Microsoft employees into Boston Harbor. But at least my suggestion won't cause water pollution.
Why not just dump a ton of (bio-degradable) MS Windoze boxes into Boston harbour instead? The Tea Party is still remembered... :-)
Have Fun, Jim.