On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:11:35AM +0200, pons wrote:
I want to setup my Intranet for my LAN user by giving each user the possiblity to authenticate him self (username + password) to get/download his ownfiles (Txt,Xls,Doc, Rtf) via Internet Expolorer from his machine. it means the linux machine should run FTP server as well beside apache. Each user should have his own home directory such as http://X.X.X.X/user1 ... etc. then should a window appear to authenticate him self to download the files.
If your are working in a windows environment, take the time to look at and learn Samba. Then your windows users can use 'their usual' (for them) tools to handle their files by clicking in for example their explorer. Is is a bit more complicated to setup Samba, but it is complete transparant for window (l)users. They can't even see the difference between a Linux-box with Samba and a windows file/printer/whatever server. I am told this is the reason a lot more comapanies are running Linux than the management knows. I beleave someone already told you, in a Unix environment you only have to create the accounts and install a ftp-server (there are at least 3 packages on the SuSE cd's, anyone will do in this case) and your users can exchange files. The download (even upload is possible) by Apache is a little bit more work. Install a .htaccess file in everybodys ~/public_html/. The Apache-manual has clear examples. Regards, Cees.