Hi all, On Friday 18 March 2005 04:18, B. Stia wrote:
On Thursday 17 March 2005 08:39, Ken Schneider wrote:
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 23:49 -0500, B. Stia wrote:
On Sunday 13 March 2005 11:16, Randall R Schulz wrote: As a aside to this question, (excuse my ignorance) Can this be made bootable and a small OS be put on it? For a permanent kind of thing in a mobile installation. (GPS in an aircraft) Right now I am using a 1.6 gig regular hard drive. If not, how about a DOC that can be booted and then passed to the flash drive?
Bob S.
Yes, as long as your system supports booting from USB devices.
Ken, & Chad
Read someplace (which I can't find now) that the DOC is seen and interpreted as an IDE device. Requires a change in the bios to recognize it. Problem is that most affordable DOC's are pretty small (You can get them up to a gig but they cost $ 1000's) and the small one's would only hold a small boot partition.
Now, if you could then partition the USB for the rest of the OS and application files you would have something. Maybe I am all wet here and on the wrong track, but when I saw Randall's post about the 1 Gig flash device it got me thinking.
Anyway, Bob S.
Excuse me, if i'm perhaps off-topic, but how-about flash-ide adapters, like currently on ebay (about 3 USD): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=167&item=5175353997&rd=1 ( or new: http://adis.ca/cfdisk.php ) AFAIK, even the bios thinks it's an IDE-device. no drivers needed. And compact-flash are upto 2GB. Not overwhelming large compared with regular drives, but a compact system should fit on it. Hans