* R. Stia (rnr@sanctum.com) [020615 22:59]: ::Excuse us Ben, But that is a pretty high and mighty attitude. Now we all ::know how good you are. It's too bad we all don't have the great depth ::and expanse of knowledge that you do. Maybe you should be running ::slackware where your opinions would be held in higher esteem. SuSE is ::supposed to be "user friendly". My expansive knowledge has come from 5 years of screaming at the monitor, driving my wife nuts on a daily basis, reading the 40+ books on my shelf and generally digging in and asking the dumbest questions imaginable. What I didn't do was say things like " This doesn't do A. so it sucks, this doesn't do B. so I'm formatting my harddrive." I knew that Linux didn't have the mainstream support yet..but it would. Heck I bitched for 3.5 years there was no Quicken port and I screamed like a banshee for years that there was no Quicktime so I could watch trailers and other such things...CrossOver is a God sent. I just don't like bullshit FUD and misconceptions. I don't like people blaming LINUX for OEM and ISV failures to support their products such as printers and the like. The last figures I saw put LINUX at a higher desktop usage then Mac...but we STILL have issues just getting printers to print. I really don't like people who whine about things that with a little effort they can get help on..and instead they blame their own failings on the software they chose to use. If you wanna know why I don't use Slackware or Debian...it's this simple. I started getting into Linux w/ SuSE and I like it. I see no reason to change. Previous to that I was a user of OS/2 and NeXTStep...mainly OS/2 and if that wouldn't have gone away pretty much. I would still be using it. I'm not trying to be arrogant and I was pretty jovial until I started reading things like "Niche OS" and hearing complaints that I hear from CNet and ZDNet MS pundits that haven't been true in a very long time. And when people play the " if it doesn't do this were going back to Windows..nanananana :P " card then I say " Hey, GREAT! Go back to Windows ..don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. It's not arrogance..it's being fed up with the same old excuses and crap. It took me a long time to learn the very, very little bit about LINUX and UNIX that I know. I'm not GURU..I just don't give up when stuff doesn't work and I'm not afraid to RTFM ..also if that doesn't work...if I'm to thick to understand what I'm reading I ask questions. No matter how stupid they may seem. Sometimes I need my head jarred. I realize SuSE's support rules aren't as well layed out as one would have them and if you don't like the $2.00 support that ya get then ask the question here. You may not get an instant answer...I know I answer questions as I can. But I do work about 70 hours a week and have about 20 hours of commute time a week. But I try. And so do many others. Based on the fact that out of $80 for a Pro box..about $5.00 of that is prolly what your charged for "installation" support..and that doesn't even pay 1 hour of a good support tech's salary. They do a pretty good job with hosting these mailing lists and the support database on the website is 1st rate. SuSE does alright by it's customers...much better then others yet worse then some. Them's the brakes. ;) ::That is pretty poor support in my book. I really don't want to get into ::a squabble with anyone on this list and that is all I have to say. May ::all of the high and mighty flame me if they must,I will not reply. I ::suppose now I will be "blacklisted" and receive no more help. Very ::dissapointing to say the least. Nahh..your not the first person to bitch at me or to bitch at someone else on the list when they loose their patience. If you ask a question and I know the answer..I prolly wouldn't even remember your email address. I'd just give ya the answer or at least a heads up about where to find the docs that explain it better then I could. Believe me..my skin and many others around here is much thicker then you would think. :) Cheers! And remember ... Have fun! -=Ben --=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- Tell me what you believe..I tell you what you should see. -DP --=====-----=====--