On Wednesday 03 December 2003 09:44 am, Mohammad Fattahian wrote:
getting the SuSE 9.0 FTP version. Now how can I burn a CD to install it?
~ i do not know, but i believe, that, if one uses the wget download script, that Snr Guillermo Ballester Valor most kindly provided, to download to a Partition, but NOT to the partition on which one aims to make the fresh install, Then, using <DD> to make 3-1/2" floppies :- 1. bootdisk 2 modules1 3. modules2 4. modules3 5. modules4 6 modules5 7. rescue ~ one can boot from the 3-1/2" floppy, load the modules that your system needs [ like Reiser filesystem], &, next commence a HardDisk install ~ you need to declare : a) the partition on which you have the ftp download b) the path to Directory /i386/9.0 As Snr Guillermo Ballester Valor says, "Have Fun" and, 'be patient' because the download is about 3-1/2 gig -- best wishes ____________ sent on Linux ____________