Fri, 13 Dec 2024 15:58:43 +0100 "Carlos E. R." <> :
On 2024-12-13 15:11, bent fender wrote:
Fri, 13 Dec 2024 04:03:29 +0000 (UTC) Robert Webb via openSUSE Users <> :
There is a hack you can do.
In any of the possible places to call a script at desktop startup, call another script in background (&).
This other script starts has:
sleep 5 xeyes ...
did that too (in ~/.xprofile this time) no cigar I think the problem is the appearance of the low res screen at all. WHAT IS IT DOING THERE? SDDM comes up in it, with the 5 second sleep it's obvious that it's staying in that screen. When the timer rings THEN the eyballs appear and THEN kde rolls into 1920x10980 but the eyes, having been opened in low res stay at the coordinates SDDM was in. If I call xeyes in the KDE autostart the situation is more 'normal' because KDE stars a 1920x1080 screen and the eyes get placed in that and thus correctly. The Y coordinate is affected the same way but that's less evident because it's not being called to screen lower limit. sleep 5 xeyes -geometry 70x50+36+420 & xeyes -geometry 70x50-36+420 &