<<< 2.2.2006 20:43 - BandiPat "penguin0601@earthlink.net" >>> B> On Thursday 02 February 2006 06:27, Roland Turcan wrote:
Hello suse-linux-e!
I am thinking about buy this mainboard and CPU:
AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 64bit. soc.939 MB Microstar K8N nWidia nForce NF3
I am not sure if still SuSE 9.2 is not able to support south brigde of this board. I was trying to build similar computer in October 2005 and I had to change to board who support AMD processor with socket 754, because network adapter didn't work and as I remember that USB had problems too.
Maybe you take me question, that why I don't want SuSE 10.0, but the reason is, that I have got very bad experiences with running Kylix 3 Pro on Linux kernel 2.6.11=>. On 9.2 it works.
I woun't buy it if it won't work corretly for me.
-- Best regards, TRoland http://www.rotursoft.sk http://exekutor.rotursoft.sk B> ============ B> Roland B> I'm thinking you should look at a motherboard with the nForce 4 chipset B> rather than the 3. Seems to me there were several problems regarding B> the 3, which wasn't around long before nVidia came out with the 4, B> which is much better. Better supported, more reliable. Anyway, why B> settle for outdated when you can get the newer? Someone must be B> closing out some old hardware.
OK, thank you for your reply, but I am still not sure, that SuSE 9.2 will work correctly. I really like SuSE 10.0, that is very nice work, but I cannot get any support for "unsupported linux distributions" from Borland and need to know that SuSE 9.2 will work, because Kylix doesn't work on newer kernels. As I said (wrote). I have installed on my actual PC SuSE 9.2 for developing, SuSE 10.0, Mandriva 2006, Ubuntu 5.1, Knoppix 4 for testing. -- Best regards, TRoland http://www.rotursoft.sk http://exekutor.rotursoft.sk