* Anton Aylward <opensuse@antonaylward.com> [04-08-12 08:43]:
Charles Philip Chan said the following on 04/08/2012 05:27 AM:
True, dyndns doesn't have a free option anymore for new users (old users can still use it for free),
Ah! That exlpains it. I'm a *very* old user.
What-ho, Patrick?
me 3 :^) I don't believe that no-ip offers extend free service any more, either. Sometime past I paid a "one-time" us$12.95 for a "livetime" extension of my *free* service. They later advised me that I owed again a small sum which I cannot recall on a yearly basis. After some extend online argument, they advised me that my service would be extend from *livetime* to 2038. <quote> * No-IP Renewal <renew@no-ip.com> [07-19-08 13:17]:
Dear No-IP Customer,
Your No-IP Enhanced service is scheduled to expire on 2008-08-15. To ensure uninterupted service to your No-IP Enhanced host names we recommend that you renew your subscription today.
My no-ip.com enhanced service is not supposed to *ever* expire. I quote the email I received from your service Aug 18, 2004, after remitting the $12.95 subscription fee </quote> and <quote> Date: Jul 19, 2008 (3:19pm PDT) From: No-IP Support 3 years ago this service was converted into a yearly renewal. At that time we provided everyone who had previously signed up for this service 3 years of the new Enhanced service. This August is when the 3 years end. Essentially this came down to either letting the service die off, or extending the feature set of this service, and providing those who signed up previously with a few years of service. We hope that you understand the direction we have decided to go with this service. Thank you again for using No-IP.com. We hope this response has sufficiently answered your question. If not, you may re-open the ticket at the following URL: http://www.no-ip.com/members/ticket/view.php?ticket=105074 </quote> which I immediately did <quote> Date: Jul 21, 2008 (7:46am PDT) From: No-IP Support This position has been reconsidered, and your service has been extended until 2038. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you again for using No-IP.com. We hope this response has sufficiently answered your question. If not, you may re-open the ticket at the following URL: http://www.no-ip.com/members/ticket/view.php?ticket=105074 </quote> persistence of an english bull-dog :^) and *sometimes* pays off And I *assume* that sometime prior to 2038, I will have little use of their services as I will be 97 year old then :^) But, who knows. And/or newer technology will make this service unnecessary (ie: they will find another way to part you with your *hard-earned*). -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA HOG # US1244711 http://wahoo.no-ip.org Photo Album: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2 http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member Registered Linux User #207535 @ http://linuxcounter.net -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org