Hello, I'm trying to install PHP 4.3 on a Suse Professional 9.1 system (A Dell PC). It's going to run with Apache 1.3 and MySQL. I get the following problems when I try and install it from RPM. usr/sbin/apachectl start Syntax error on line 8 of /etc/httpd/suse_loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so into server: /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: sprint_value /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started This is what an rpm -qa of my packages shows: php4-bcmath-4.3.4-26 php4-curl-4.3.4-26 php4-domxml-4.3.4-26 php4-ftp-4.3.4-26 php4-iconv-4.3.4-26 php4-mcal-4.3.4-26 php4-mysql-4.3.4-26 php4-readline-4.3.4-26 php4-shmop-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvshm-4.3.4-26 php4-yp-4.3.4-26 php4-4.3.4-26 php4-bz2-4.3.4-26 php4-ctype-4.3.4-26 php4-dba-4.3.4-26 php4-devel-4.3.4-26 php4-exif-4.3.4-26 php4-filepro-4.3.4-26 php4-gd-4.3.4-26 php4-gmp-4.3.4-26 php4-imap-4.3.4-26 php4-mbstring-4.3.4-26 php4-mcrypt-4.3.4-26 php4-mime_magic-4.3.4-26 php4-pear-4.3.4-26 php4-qtdom-4.3.4-26 php4-recode-4.3.4-26 php4-session-4.3.4-26 php4-sockets-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvsem-4.3.4-26 php4-unixODBC-4.3.4-26 php4-xslt-4.3.4-26 php4-zlib-4.3.4-26 php4-snmp-4.3.4-26 php4-calendar-4.3.4-26 php4-dbase-4.3.4-26 php4-fastcgi-4.3.4-26 php4-gettext-4.3.4-26 php4-ldap-4.3.4-26 php4-mhash-4.3.4-26 php4-pgsql-4.3.4-26 php4-servlet-4.3.4-26 php4-swf-4.3.4-26 php4-wddx-4.3.4-26 mod_php4-4.3.3-50 apache-1.3.28-74 I did a google search. This is a known error in Red Hat with the SNMP package, but it was supposed to be fixed with PHP 4.3 Notes: Yes, I'm aware that the version of the mod_php is not the same as the php version, but I can't find a mod_php rpm that matches the php rpm's exactly. I had to do a --nodep on the mod_php rpm to get it to install. I don't, however, think that this is causing the problem I'm seeing. Has anyone seen this problem? Thanks, Braun Brelin