CulCullin contacted us (thanks at this point) and brought the discussion on the mailing list to our attention. Our forum has been around for approximately five years, and within the last few months we created a (fairly lively) openSuSE subforum. Would you all consider pointing the openSuSE community to our subforum in lieu of creating a brand new forum? By virtue of the fact that we've been around awhile, we already have a large member base and a number of knowledgable users who are happy to help newbies with various problems. And even though our forum covers more than just openSuSE, the problems of openSuSE users often intersect with those of SuSE users (so the added benefit would be that they could learn from problems/solutions outside the scope of just openSuSE). Please let us know if you have questions or if you'd like to discuss further. Regards the moderating team.