On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Jason Tesser wrote:
I have download suse 9.0 I gave had to install twice now. Here is what is happening. I get everything up and going. I get into KDE update Suse and play around for a while. everthing seems fine and then all of a sudden something happens that causes me to reboot. This last time Konqueror was not responding. When I reboot the login screen is all gray with a concole log window in the corner and when I log in I don't goto KDE I have an all gray screen. The login screen doesn't have any options and I don't know what happened.
Is it something with X?? I did download and install the latest Nvidia driver for Linux which seemed to work fine. I installed that so I could enable 3d acceleration. But if it was that how come it worked for hours after I restarted. I played games and browsed and stuff np.
Very frusterated :-s
Hard to tell what went wrong without further info. Can you go to a console and log on as root, run top and see what processes are running? Did you look into your various log files under /var/log for clues? How much swap did you assign and how much memory does the box have? Perhaps you are running out of memory or you have a bad memory stick? Running too many apps and having too little memory used to be a problem for me on my laptop with SuSE 8.2 on my laptop. As far as problems with X are concerned, you might want to set your default runlevel after booting to 3 rather than 5 as that makes it easier to trouble-shoot a misconfigured X environment. From a regular virtual console you can of course run sax2 to reconfigure your X set-up. You could also log in to the box from your other RH boxes and invoked yast2 to reconfigure things, or use regular yast from the console. Best regards and good luck, Alex.