Preston Crawford wrote:
I've been watching the happenings on the message boards recently with regards to SuSE 9.3. It seems like it's more bleeding edge and unstable than usual. And now I get a Firefox YOU update where my bookmarks and profile are broken.
[snip] FWIW, I updated earlier today using apt and there was a problem. Apt said that it couldn't install the new version of Firefox because it contained dependencies which were even newer versions of Firefox itself! Anyway, I took a chance and installed via rpm (which also barfed at first) with --nodeps. Everything is working fine, but something is borked inside the Firefox rpm even if it's only a misconfigured list of dependencies. As for SuSE 9.3, well ... surely better to wait for two or three months after first release to see what the verdict is? That's what I always try to do. SuSe 9.2 here and it is very stable and fast so there is no real need to upgrade. :) Fish