On Mon, 08 Jan 2001, Damon wrote:
My boss just said that he wants to order M$ Front Page so someone in our department can create web pages for our group. I would like very much to get away from M$ and since Front Page is just one more way to get locked into M$, I want to suggest something in the Linux world. Can anyone suggest Linux software for creating/editing web pages? I remember a similar thread last year but don't remember much about it since at that time I wasn't interested in web pages. Please help me convince my boss to use SuSE linux instead of M$ Windoze.
Take a look at Quanta. It is possibly not quite as powerful as Front Page, but it is very nice for most uses in my opinion. *************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.0 Professional KMail Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ***************************************************