Hi david, Am 03.10.24 um 01:09 schrieb David T-G:
Am 30.09.24 um 16:52 schrieb Simon Becherer: % if somebody is interested in a small howto, i could % write down here my steps i have done.
YES please! I have wanted for a while to get an Android emulator or VM running on my machine but just haven't had the time to go and learn. Simple steps would be a huge help :-)
first of all you need to add a repository containing androidstudio: there are at least 3 (of more or less actual versions) 1) https://build.opensuse.org/projects/home:ecsos/packages/android-studio/repos... 2) https://build.opensuse.org/projects/home:MaxxedSUSE/packages/android-studio/... 3) is use this here, because of fast(er)/(always new) updates. the others are a bit slower in updating (at the time i checked it): https://build.opensuse.org/projects/home:Herbster0815/packages/android-studi... open yast add the repo: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Herbster0815/openSUSE_Tumbl... give it a higher number than the standard repos to be a little save to not mix unnecessary packages. install android studio with yast. now you are more or less ready, here are the step's i have done to get a working phone with calyxos (without the google systems) and threema. ============================================================= you need to buy a code for threema from there website ---FOR INFO:---- on https://calyxos.org/news/2021/05/27/emulator-images/ are infos how to install it in android studio, i write the details below with my own words, hopefully step by step, (i have done it twice hope i have so not forgotten a step in the infos i wrote for second time) you could do nearly 1:1 this without the calyxos, you will see down the road when you should skip if you do not like this os. ----end info---- start androidstudio and here i am unsure, but i think you SHOULD start a new projekt because the menu inside the project gave some extra features i have not found without have a project. "new Projekt" "Phone and Tablet" [next] give it a name [finish] you should now be inside the project, inside the "hamburger menu" = "4 lines menue" [close project] you should see now on left side "projects" "customize" "plugins" "learn" and on the right up the line "new project" "open" "get from vcs" "three points" go to the "three points-menu" and select [sdk-manager] klick on "SDK Update Sites" klick on "+" name: CalyxOS url:/ https://release.calyxinstitute.org/sys-img.xml [ok] now set a check at the new line "CalyxOS" [ok] you should be now back at the start side again go to the "three points-menu" and select "device manager" new window appear and you see a "+" = "create virtual device" select a phone i use: "pixel 8 pro" [next] [x86 images] select (newest) CalyxOS = Tiramisu 33 x86_64 Android 13.0 (CalyxOS An...) at first field press the download symbol after [next] (here i have not written every step down: i think i remember you could configure the system emulated hardware, if you have an webcam, you could set it to front or back and i have set the boot option to "cold boot" you could always change later in the device manager at the 3 points right side of the "play" symbol with menue [edit]) after some [next] you should have the device (only for information if you need to free up space on disk:) the system image is in: ~/Android/Sdk/system-images the new device is in: ~/.android/avd/.... in the device manager now you could press the "play" symbol the device starts an boots first time the CalyxOS: (Welcome) [start] select language select timezone klick on "android wifi" (connect) allow apps your possition "no" three keys controlls fingerprint no phone password yes/no google services no additional apps: deselect what you do not need apps+data recovery no start f-droid store install threema now you will find on threema webside how to proceed. install on your computer with yast threema-desktop give a password for the connection, with your webcam you could now from threema-desktop scan in the codefield. up to now you have only to enter the password for connection from deskop to virtual-phone. =============== one thing is the sound from the phone, generally i have it on the computer, but threema seems to be not working for the info-sounds correct. i have it only when the desktop app is open. =============== if the phone is closed an threema was set to feed the desktop app, after a restart of the phone threema-desktop connects without touching the phone. ================ next thing is, if you start the emulator from your project, the resolution sometimes is bad, small chars from phone are not clear on screen. but if you start it when outside the project direct with the device manager everything is good. =============== if you google you will find how to start android-emulator-virtual-phones from terminal. i have not yet tested. =============== i have never inside the phone shut the system down, i always only use the device manager play/stop buttons. =============== when you like to copy files from computer to the phone drag and drop it. they are then inside the download directory of the phone =============== when you like to copy files from phone to desktop: if you have it inside threema, use the copy/save-as function from threema-desktop. if it are other files, you need to open your project the emulation must run. then the "hamburger menu" on top left side / View / Tool_Windows / Device_File_Explorer navigate to your file, right mouse click, save as ================ copy files i think could be easy done when maybe kde-connect is installed on computer and virtual-phone, but i have not tried yet. ================= i found also this https://www.android-x86.org/ and it seems a "plain" emulator for linux, but i have not tested, or checked how it works. =================== hope this is clear for you and will help, you should have a free evening then it should work as you have read here, more or less out of the box. simoN -- www.becherer.de