Hello, On Aug 2 14:08 LLLActive@GMX.Net wrote (shortened):
***** LOCAL HP LJ 5M in subnet ***************************** ... Interesting ports on ... 9100/tcp open jetdirect ... ***** REMOTE over OpenVPN Ricoh Aficio 220 in subnet ****** ... Interesting ports on ... 9100/tcp open jetdirect
Both look accessible. Therefore what results the "netcat" test for those printers? See the same section in our "Reference" manual.
It is in another subnet over OpenVPN routed and not bridged. What is the difference between M$ Win and Linux in the printing situation? Why can M$ print and Linux not?
Obviously if I had some magic knowledge what "the difference" is, or "why it doesn't work for you", I would tell you but up to now I have no idea what the reason is in your particular case. Furthermore you didn't tell any details about how you have set up the queues for those printers so that I have no chance to guess what might be wrong in your particular case. Finally I am no OpenVPN expert so that I cannot help you, if the reason is your OpenVPN setup. Kind Regards Johannes Meixner -- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5 Mail: jsmeix@suse.de 90409 Nuernberg, Germany WWW: http://www.suse.de/